This morning we went for a walk around the neighborhood - we were both happy to put long sleeve shirts on for the outing (finally!) Olive added some tights and a hat to her ensemble, and we were off. It's fun to see the neighborhood at a different time than I'm used to seeing it (commuting to and from work) -a whole new set of habits and people out and about. We're going further now that the weather is cooperating - I'm keeping my Seattle-spirit alive by going outside and walking to destinations.. I'm also keeping myself in walking shape, so when the day comes to go back to the puget sound, I'll be in coffee-shop walking distance shape! (kristen!)
Olive is 5 months today! Honestly, in some ways it's gone fast, and in other ways, very slowly.. all in all though, I think she's a pretty cool little girl, and we think we'll keep her ;)