Wednesday, August 22, 2007

So many nice things are happening right now. they're little and maybe a bit silly, but lighting up my perspective nonetheless.

*Congratulations to Lisa - she welcomed her baby boy on the 13th! I can't wait to meet him properly after waiting all this time.

*I've just started reading Barbara Kingsolver's new book about her year living off food that she and her family grew, as well as local farmer's markets. although i dont agree with all of her politics, the book is lovely. It takes place on her familys farm in the Applacian Mountains, and she writes this time of year so well - late summer lushness.

*My Fantasy Football league is up and running for its second year! Comprised completely of special ladies across the united states, it makes football season that much more fun.

*the US Open is almost upon us and that means lots of tennis and lots of coverage. bryan and i decided that someday we'll have to try and go.

*I recieved a mystery gift in the mail the other day - a book about playing with kids, something like 1000 games to play with kids etc. I have no idea where or who its from, maybe its an accident? but its pretty neat anyway, and its now snuggled on the bookcase waiting for a good time to use it..

*I'm finally getting my bike fixed! it has been so long....

1 comment:

Kristen Gough said...

ooh...i want to read that Kingsolver book, too. it's on my birthday wish-list.

glad to hear you made it home safe and sound and that you're enjoying these last weeks of summertime. it was so good to see you while you were out here. so good. :)

love, kristen