Monday, September 3, 2007

monday night at home

Milo and I got up nice and early this morning, before it was light out, before there were people going to work or catching school buses - zipped up my fleece (he already has one, nature custom made it for him) and we were off. Although it was labor day, i still had to work, which was fine. sometimes any change of pace, even if you're still doing what you normally do, makes things a little special. so Milo and i were up early, came back home and let sleeping Bryan lie while we had breakfast and did the dishes. A nice way to start the day.. work zoomed by - no one was in the office today and i was able to catch up on some work id been putting off. i drove home, made it in 20 mins (its amazing how light traffic is when no one else is on the road) and walked in to find dinner 10 mins from ready - Bryan had made his special salsa chicken pasta salad - our invention that we came up with so we could eat as much of his homemade salsa as possible without eating all the chips!

We had a nice weekend - as you can see from the pics, we got a new kitchen stove! i say kitchen because we also got a new wood burning stove for our house too, but it wont be installed for a few more days. I'm sure pictures will ensue :) We really needed a new stove - ours was old (it came with the house) and do to an accident two winters ago, i can barely lie in bed at night without wanting to get up 9 times to check to make sure the burners are out! so we're both sleeping much more peacefully now than we were, and though I'm sure we'll curse ourselves later, we're both secretly looking forward to winter to try out both of them... soon enough i think..

So enjoy pics from this past week - my first live fantasy football draft ( i know dear, very hypocritical of me - but it was so much fun!) and our new stove being all shiny...

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