I am a would-be sewer, knitter, crocheter. i have HUGE eyes when it comes to projects and little ability to follow through. I would love to be able to sew my own clothes, make homemade christmas presents that dont look like a 4 year old made them (nothing against 4 year olds who DO make xmas presents, just not as cute when a 30 year old does it), and generally be more crafty and talented than I am. I have a sewing machine that i'm a little scared of, and I'm always starting something new and fantastic and abandoning it as soon as i get confused, stumped, discouraged, or make mistakes.
Enter my post baby self - clothes don't quite fit as they used to. Old jeans are unforgivably tight and im so tired of wearing maternity jeans when I'm no longer expecting. Add to this our new budget, which has one less income, so spending lots of money on non-necessities seems silly. I've decided to try and make myself some bellbottoms out of old cords and jeans from thrift stores. I think hippy clothes are the most flattering on me these days, and i've always loved an excuse to wear bell bottoms :) So, I've ripped out the seams successfully and today I'll be attempting to sew in a fabric panel. Can't wait to see how it goes!