Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I love living in a place where its okay to drive down the middle of the street, or that when you turn onto a road, you may encounter people out for an evening walk with their dogs, .........in the middle of the street. There's something really appealing to me about being in a place that isn't so involved with daily life that it requires sidewalks and yellow lines. If you drive from out of our neighborhood and turn right and head down the road, pretty soon you leave behind the busy intersections and get to places where corn and soybeans are grown and cars just yield to one another.

On a side note, our camera has been acting a little special lately, so i guess i'll be offering up mainly prose while we look into to fixing that little guy.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Hi Jesse!

It's not the same Farrels, but that would have been fun, wouldn't it?

Your town sounds like a vacation..I'm looking forward to relaxing soon ;) (I'm sure I'll blgo about that later).

Thanks for checking in!