Friday, May 25, 2007

Five Senses Friday

A friend of mine, who sadly doesnt post as much as she used to (she has so many other new exciting things going on in her life that keep her busy!) started doing this every now and then and i loved to read about all the different senses swirling around. So here's my own version of five senses friday. As i expected, its dead here today at work, and i am waiting for that time when i can log off and head for home....

Homemade Blueberry Muffins, extra good in the morning
tall Soy Hazelnut Hot Chocolate: not quite sure of this one yet, but it was interesting
apple - a little past its prime i think..
cupcakes - for a friends birthday celebration!
Corn on the Cob - perfecting our grilling techniques and time..

Gorgeous green trees in little "islands" in the middle of corn fields - i love those
sparkling green skirt on a lady here at the museum
tons of flip flops - its really sunny today..
lightening bugs - they're here again!
Milo asleep on the floor at the foot of our bed - he has learned how to open bedroom doors and will now come in and sleep with us, whether we want him there or not!

Milo barking at the shower when it gets turned off
The typing and whirring of keyboards here at work
Dinosuar growls - another benefit of my fun work place
jonatha brook - my morning sing along to work
alarm clock - too loud..

clean towel
orange mint toothpaste
peach face wash
coffee grinds
mango/mandarin lotion

Frisbees to throw
garden Hose
the boy
corduroy pants
little clay sheep

What are you seeing, tasting, and touching today?

1 comment:

Kristen Gough said...

oh! this 5 senses list is sublime. I hope you have the best weekend, jesse!