Tuesday, August 28, 2007

the goings on around here

This past week has been mainly composed of me getting my feet back under me from vacation - does anyone else sometimes do that slowly too?

Last weekend was the perfect combination of productivity and relaxation - we were able to enjoy the sunshine, mow the lawn, and sleep in. we also stripped all the old wall paper from our guest bedroom and are now contemplating colors. I have the weakness to love color, no matter if it matches or not, so things i paint sometimes tend to come out looking like a 5 year old lives there, and thats not really the result that i want for our house. So I'm weighing my love of color for my love of a nice looking house - i'll let you know how it turns out!

got a new cookbook this weekend, thanks to mummy, (americas test kitchen cookbook)and the beef stroganoff i debuted with came out ok - 3 stars i think. trying to cook more and more, instead of be a "fantasy cooker"

signed milo up for a shy doggy class this week which will be great - he gets a little anxious around people that he doesnt know so this will be a great refresher of the basics, will teach him some new things, and also teach me some new and old tricks! we'll be going tuesday nights starting in october - should be a treat..

work today was super slow, and already my head has turned toward my commute home, coming up here in 40 mins....

Kristen, I love thinking about your baby on the way so soon. These last few weeks must be such a heady mix of excitement and uncertainity, not to mention special time with Kyle and Grover :) I'm thinking of you daily...

1 comment:

Kristen Gough said...

thanks so much, jess. your goings-on sound wonderful. i've heard great things about that cookbook; way to roll up your sleeves and dive in! i also would like to be more confident in the kitchen, which inevitably means practice, practice, practice! the dog class for milo sounds like fun... and so does choosing a color for the guest room. i'm sure you'll find something inspiring and beautiful!