Thursday, August 2, 2007

Lunch today was at a local pizza place north of work just a little bit. Even though i dont eat out every day, once in a while i like to leave the museum and get out in the fresh air and mainly, just have a change of pace from the office. Today was no exception and it so fresh and great to leave work for an hour by myself, where i had time to do whatever i wished - i windowshopped, lunched, and read the paper.

I forgot to mention that we found two baby birds last night that had fallen from our tree in the backyard. Bryan spotted them first, though we only thought it was the one at first. We left him under the tree for awhile, then went back out after dark to round them up. We made a little "nest" for them in a old litter box lined with towels and Bryan gathered them up (with no help from me - for some reason, i was scared to touch them, isnt that retarded?). once we had them inside, Bryan went back out for a good while, trying to get some worms for the hungry little guys. Of course, since he was looking for some, there were none to be found. We improvised instead, smashing and soaking some cat food in milk and then feeding it to them with my eyebrow tweezers. Then this morning we gave them a new nest, complete with dryer lint (to replicate soft down) and grass and set them up outside before leaving for work. We know their parents were around because while Bryan was doing this he was getting divebombed by them - no appreciation for his efforts! We hope those little guys make it, and that they learn to flap their wings and fly just like their mom and dad.

1 comment:

Kristen Gough said...

oh my goodness! good luck to the baby birds! you guys are amazing... xoxo, k