Tuesday, January 1, 2008


I wonder, if i post them, will they work better? Maybe, I guess I'll go ahead and throw them out there, in the spirit of the New Year:

*Successfully complete (running) Indy Half Marathon in May. This involves not just crossing the finish line, but training properly and with a regimen. I do not want this to feel like some last minute school project or volleyball preseason camp that i can squirm my way through - i really want to be ready. (and do Carmen Electra's workout tape so i can become as sexy as her - I'm sort of joking on that one, but I would be happier with some shedding of my winter layers. this isn't anything that I'm obsessed with, and i figure the above resolution will help take care of this latter detail, but sometimes i do wish i was a girl that was really really good at motivating myself. I mean, when i was playing volleyball, i was really enjoying the activity, working out almost everyday, and being told what to do by coaches - and i think that was a huge part of my success, as lame as it sounds. I just don't think i could have gotten the same results in the weight room or on the court without a coach telling or yelling, or without a list of weights to do, with this much resistance etc. Hopefully this doesn't mean I'm a lazy good-for-nothing, but instead simply recognizes that i need a schedule, or some kind of structure to really kick start my workouts. That's what I've really struggled with since I've stopped playing is hating the activities *see below resolution - and just not getting out there enough. its also a little challenging here in Indiana, without the help of the incredible outdoors that Seattle has to offer, or with the really active population that live there. But that's not really a good excuse, and hopefully this year we'll finally put Bryan's "best hikes of Indiana" book to good use.)

*Stop hating running. I really do hate it, but its not that conducive to my task.

*Make my doggies well behaved ones. Mainly the areas i want to work on are greeting strangers, THE DOORBELL issue that Milo has, and being around small kids. I don't really care about the smaller things like being on the furniture - if my dogs are good around wee ones and Milo doesn't sound like he's going to eat the person on the other side of the door, call me happy.

*Financial responsibility. This is a little broad i know, but mainly it involves paying off some debt i have and really getting things going with saving and just being more aware of where my money goes, how i spend, and what i want to spend it on. Somehow, even though i have more than i enough, i always end up feeling like i don't, and i think this is essentially poor management skills on my part.

That's all of them, really just four, but I've really been kicking these around in my head the past few days and feel good about them. These are areas of my life that i spend a lot of time fretting about, and not enough time actively working to change, so i think this is a really honest, thought out list for me and i look forward to trying to tackle these challenges in my life. I tried to keep the really really subjective things off the list, since those are sooo hard to measure, and they can be a little silly, so its best to keep those in my head. However, here's my one real fantastical one, just because it really wouldn't be Jesse without something not based in reality, now would it?

*Just this morning i read this story about a lady (actually an ex-model, which is why i think they ran the story) who was oh so tired of the modeling world and needed a new adventure. So what did she decide to do? She moved to Alaska and opened a kennel for homeless and abused Musher dogs!! I mean, how neat does that sound? She now runs her kennel AND trains the some of the younger dogs and is competing in the dog race this year. So that's my fantastical new years resolution - move to Alaska (or montana), build a cabin (with either heat under the floor or a really cozy main room with loft where all the heat rises to), and rescue all the dogs in the world.

I did think about resolving to water the plant in our room, or to squirm less when we're going to bed, but really i think there's more of chance of me moving to alaska and saving all the dogs in the world than doing either of those!

1 comment:

Kristen Gough said...

Happy New Year to you, Jesse! Loved these last two posts. Sounds like you've had such a nice holiday week, and I'm confident you can succeed with your resolutions for 2008. I love the idea of you owning a place where you nurture rescued dogs. I have a feeling you will someday! Enjoy your cozy day today. Love, Kristen