Sunday, June 10, 2007


I love payday. i love it for all the reasons that everyone else does, but i also love it because it means i can go to the grocery store and shop with just a little more abandon than i normally would do. one of my favorite things to do is really stock up the kitchen - fresh fruit, different kinds of meat, sandwich makings, meal plans for the next couple days. At first bryan and i were pretty bad at making it all get used, but ive pared back a bit, and we're trying harder to use what we have - it becomes like sort of contest to see what kind of meal we can pull together out of the remnants in the fridge.

i also love grocery stores - love them! and i am a complete and total sucker for any kind of "different" grocery store. Silly, but true, i have driven out of my way to go to a certain store, whose "feel" i like better than the ones close to home. But i must say, i am quite taken with our little kroger store by our house. im reconizing all the people there, the teenage baggers and stern deli ladies, and i know where most things are - a huge thing in grocery store familiarity and love! So while it may not be Whole Foods or PCC, it'll do just fine :)


Kristen Gough said...

it is a wonderful feeling indeed to stock up and dream up meals and enjoy the bounty found at the grocery store! what was on the menu for dinner tonight? :)

Jesse said...

Funny you should ask - last night we attempted to make fondue with our new, never been used pot we found for $1 at a garage sale. it was wonderful - veggies and bread and cheese! how can you go wrong!?

Kristen Gough said...

yum! that sounds incredible!!