Friday, June 15, 2007

peaceful sleeping

we slept outside again last night, with milo not barking at mysterious noises once! it was peaceful, quiet, and there's something so nice about not setting an alarm clock. even though i end up waking up earlier than i normally would, its a natural slow process, not one thats jarring and sudden, and repetetive, as ive been known to push the snooze button many many times... which has been known to annoy the boy, who can usually squeeze one more hour of sleep out of the morning than i, given his predisposition to short morning routines and a little commute to work.

we finally just bought our tickets to my brothers wedding in seattle this august - it feels nice to have finally checked that off the list. we're flying out, staying for a week, and then heading to south dakota via denver for another wedding, this time for the boys friend from college. I'm sure we'll be wedding'ed out by the end of the trip, but we've put a little mini-roadtrip there in the middle of it - a drive from denver up to rapid city which will be great. i love roadtrips and cant help but look forward to this one in a part of the country i havent been to in a while.

we've got a couple little plans for this weekend - checking out a new desk for our "office" and maybe some bookcases too.. i like hunting for little things for our house and making it suit us..
What else will happen this weekend? maybe we'll take milo on some sort of adventure drive and get some of his energy used up :)

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