Sunday, June 24, 2007

sunday afternoon

Hello and welcome to our weekend! Its late on sunday afternoon and we've been sort of busy -cleaning up the house in anticipation of the boy's grandfather and great uncle coming into town on tuesday, and also just taking care of things around the house that need to be done. I've bought myself a new Real Simple mag that i am about to dig into - it was too good to resist in the grocery line. we also ordered pizza this afternoon, since i spent the morning cleaning and neither one of us wanted to see the kitchen dirtied so quickly! ive finished up my james herriot books - up next on the docket it a book ive seen recommended in the blogosphere called "eat, love, pray" (i think thats the name of it - something with those three words) - i ordered used off amazon the other day and should be showing up any day now!
I tried making some upside down cinnamon muffins (a name ive improvised) that i saw while running around other friends of friends blogs - (these came from andimae i believe) and they came out very very... well not like i anticipated. they tasted ok, but were certainly not what i was anticipating! its all in the cook i think - and this cook is not the best with things that involve making dough annd then rolling it, watching it rise, or other various things that i refer to as "scary advanced baking!) :):) but im working on it and some day im sure the words "cut crisco into mixture" will not frighten me as much. despite their odd appearance, the muffins are almost all gone...

we also got to try out a new restaruant this weekend - and it might be a favorite after only one visit! its called barcelona's and its a tapas place in downtown indy -if you come out here, make sure bryan and i take you there - it was fabulous. bryan always jokes that i say everything reminds me of seattle - but this place really did! the colors were bright and lively and the loud talkyness of the place was right out of fremont! the food - awesome! cant wait to go back..


BTF said...

yes, sure you finished the book, but you spelled herriot wrong. how do you expect us to believe you read something if you can't spell the authors name?

Jesse said...

Oh hush. its all details, schmetails. everyone knows who im talking about!
however, just to placate you, i'll change it!

Kristen Gough said...

I say GOOD FOR YOU, trying out complicated recipes! That's more than I will do most of the time! So, thank you, too, for providing a little inspiration and encouragement. It sounds like you had a great weekend, and of course I love that you posted about it. :) Take care, friend.