Friday, June 29, 2007

Friday - What will you Bring?

I'm hoping for:

laundry time (I'm going to iron our clothes for the second time this year. Ironing always tests my patience. I can't seem to understand how, after you iron one pant leg or one shirt arm, you switch to the other one without getting the one you just did wrinkly! I will conquer the iron tonight, I feel like its my time! Bryan is much better with the iron than I am, a fact that he owes to his infinite amount of patience and years ironing his Air Force uniform. He is currently reading a book called "Why Men Don't Iron." and irony is not lost on us!)

Paying some bills

time with my boy and four legged creatures - maybe we'll knock off some of our new netflix movies we've got at home. I love spending time with you..

Quiet Reading time - Julia Childs is giving me so much hope that maybe one day I'll be a world famous pseudo french chef!

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