"When I want you to be some other way than you actually are, I suffer. You suffer. The more I can let the moment, the situation, the nap, the house, be exactly as it is... there is so much more room for joy. These are big lessons for the adult humans of the world."
who said that? such a good word. i'm sending good thoughts your way for what your weekend will bring...productivity, or not. may you enjoy where you're at and see beauty all around you many times during these days off from work! i'm so thankful that we continue to keep in touch, jess.
Kristen -
the lady who said that was a woman named andrea - she has her own blog which is linked from my website, named "relation to sark" or something like that.
isnt that a beautiful, beautiful message?
She wrote it in a letter to her son, a new litte baby..
I'm equally as thankful we're staying in touch, i think of you daily and love our letters, emails, and bloggy comments..
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