Wednesday, June 6, 2007

middle of the week already!

Hello! Ack! I know i said i was going to do such a good job with posting and the last two + weeks seem to have just swept by so fast! Wednesday night already, late here in Indianapolis.

we got home tonight to find a huge box on our front porch ( i love getting packages - who doesn't?) and the best part was to find inside Milo's year supply of Frisbees! Last year bryan found a website and ordered 50 Frisbees that were printed with mistake logos on them so they were really cheap - milo didn't seem to mind the less than perfect wording- he loved the 50 Frisbees until they couldn't fly anymore. it was getting bad around here - entering June with only 2 Frisbees that were still aerodynamically functional. so this year, bryan surprised us by ordering 100! and frost bite ones at that! so exciting...

The other day, i also got a devastatingly wonderful package from my good friend in Maine of all places - kristen kamp. . .. she sent this great cd that arrived with tons of great music that has been keeping me company on the way to work ever since. Ive got it stuck on tracks 15 and 16 by a girl named JayMay - have you heard of her? the cd was great - i love it when there's a title of a song and a band, and the only description being " devastatingly handsome banjo.guitar player from pittsburgh." i mean really, can a song synopsis get much better than that? :)

the past few weeks, as Ive mentioned before, have been full of visitors..we love it but i also cant wait to just lay on my bed, perhaps in the middle of the day and take a cat nap! with nothing to do! on our weekend to do list is the lovely task of hanging a hammock on our screened in porch (kamper - was that on our non negotiables list?!) and transplant some flowers and plants from little baby containers to the ground. really i have a million other things that i feel like i could do, but those will take the precedent over all others.

I've included some pictures above to show all our great friends and family who've been in town for the month of may.. enjoy :)

And last but not least - Kamper - Happy Birthday! I've been meaning to do a birthday post for you but i don't have any digital pictures! so i guess this birthday with will have to suffice for the time being until i see you next and i can fill the memory card to the gills!

1 comment:

Kristen Gough said...

beautiful photos and fun times. looks and sounds like your summer is off to a great start, jesse! have a great weekend!